How to Practice

How to Practice Where to Start? I was thinking recently about the ways in which I learned how to practice. In so doing, I came across an old memory of a time before I knew how to do that. Though it had been sitting on a shelf in my mind for a good while and was...

Caffeine and Music?

Caffeine and Music Is it so common? There’s a stereotype out there that musicians love their caffeine. I can neither confirm nor deny this. All I’ll say is, “give me my 5 shots of espresso in that drink!” Seriously. Not kidding. But...

Improving Improv Melody

Improving Improv Melody How did it take me so long? I recently had a breakthrough while working on improving improv melody. It feels a bit like finally finding the clutch in a manual car after being stuck in first gear. This whole time I knew there was a way to shift...

Broken Triads Position 5

Broken Triads in Position 5 Finally, here we have the last position of the CAGED system, the D-shape. Running through broken triads in position 5 involves a little more movement than the other positions. This time, for the last triad in the octave run, you will...